Image courtesy of Peter Barnes, DEWNR
About Us
The Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) is the peak regional organisation of the Ngarrindjeri. We represent communities and organisations that currently make up the Ngarrindjeri Nation and the individual Native Title claimants of the Ngarrindjeri and Others Native Title Claim.

Our Vision for Country
Our Lands, Our Waters, Our People, All Living Things are connected. We implore people to respect our Ruwe (Country) as it was created in the Kaldowinyeri (the Creation). We long for sparkling, clean waters, healthy land and people and all living things. We long for the Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country) of our anscestors. Our vision is all people Caring, Sharing, Knowing and Respecting the lands, the waters and all living things.
Our goals
For our people, children and descendants to be healthy and to enjoy our healthy lands and waters
To see our lands and waters healthy and spiritually alive
For all our people to benefit from our equity in our lands and waters
To see our closest friends – our Ngartjis (special animals) – healthy and spiritually alive
For our people to continue to occupy and benefit from our lands and waters
To see all people respecting our laws and living in harmony with our lands and waters
Our Member Organisations

Our Team
Our strategic goal is to strive towards a secure future and a community of confident people. As a result, we place a high value on our team and are committed to supporting their professional and personal development through providing a healthy and stimulating work environment.
We aim to provide career opportunities for our people including management opportunities and working with the wider community to support the Ngarrindjeri Vision for Country and strategic goals.
Interested in career opportunities? Click here for available positions within NRA.