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Our History

Our History

Image courtesy of Brayden Mann, DEWNR

The Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) was formed in 2007 to promote the wellbeing of Ngarrindjeri People by:

Protecting areas of special significance

Advancing health and welfare outcomes

Improving economic opportunities

Facilitating community projects

Recognising and protecting their Native Title rights and interests

Managing land of traditional or cultural significance

Protecting cultural assets

The NRA builds on the significant work of all Ngarrindjeri who have gone before and the more recent nation-building work of the Ngarrindjeri Tendi, Ngarrindjeri Heritage Committee and the Ngarrindjeri Native Title Management Committee. These Ngarrindjeri bodies worked on the development of the NRA as the peak body for the Ngarrindjeri Nation and the development and implementation of the Ngarrindjeri Nation Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan (Sea Country Plan).


Released in 2006, the Ngarrindjeri Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan, is a significant work that describes the Ngarrindjeri people and culture and our relationship with our Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country).


Importantly, the Ngarrindjeri Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan outlines our objectives and vision for the future of our Sea Country and our people. And, of particular importance, the Ngarrindjeri Sea CountryYarluwar Plan clearly describes our partnership approach to implementation that ensures a more sustainable future.

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