Raukkan Community
Meaning "meeting place" in the Ngarrindjeri language, Raukkan was for thousands of years an important meeting place for Ngarrindjeri
Raukkan Community Council aims to provide long term integrated sustainability for the local community, nurture the land to achieve a better condition for future generations and protect native vegetation and wildlife.
Located on the banks of Lake Alexandrina, the people of Raukkan invite you to learn about our shared history and visit our historic town.
Browse through the rich collection of photographs and artefacts at Raukkan Gallery and museum.
Learn about Raukkan local, David Unaipon, Indigenous inventor of the mechanical sheep shears and commemorated on the Australian $50 note.
Sit amongst the pews inside the beautiful and iconic Raukkan church.
Relax, meet the locals and enjoy the Coorong's best coffee at the Raukkan General Store.
Raukkan Community Council
1 Seymour Street, Raukkan, SA 5259
Phone: (08) 8574 0064
Email: admin@raukkan.org.au
For more information on Cultural Tours contact :
Clyde Rigney Senior - clyder@internode.on.net / 0439 736 866