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Yannarumi Readings

As part of an ongoing relationship with Ngarrindjeri, we ask that you take the time to read the following material to continue to build your knowledge and understanding of Ngarrindjeri principles:



The following short film narrates the story of the connection  Ngarrindjeri have to Kaldowinyeri, Ruwe/Ruwar, and Yarluwar-Ruwe:


















The Kungun Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement is a binding agreement signed by the South Australian Government and the Ngarrindjeri nation in 2009.
View/Download: KNY Agreement​



The Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority’s Strategic Plan outlines the goals and pathways for achieving future successes for the Ngarrindjeri nation.


[NRA Strategic Plan - coming soon]



The Ngarrindjeri Nation Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country) Plan was developed to assist governments, natural resource managers, researchers, industry and the wider Australian community to better understand and recognise Ngarrindjeri rights and responsibilities to Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country).


View/Download: Ngarrindjeri Sea Country Plan​












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